"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Sunday 23rd February 2025

Move Over, Manchen; Sen. Lankford Will Share That Dunce Seat

Key: A new Border Bill came and went. Schumer and his good bud Minority Leader Mitchell McConnell were unable to sneak a second misnamed bill past Congress this time… proving Buddy is thicker than Honor. (Mitch’s full name is a wieldy Addison Mitchell McConnell III.)
Charles Ellis Schumer is one of the ruling class; he can decide that this or that law even has the opportunity to be considered to be a law. But this time, he was challenged by the House of Representatives for putting forth a border bill that actually encodes into law illegal aliens up to 1,824,635 per year, and the Chief Executive cannot do anything about that other than declare an emergency, and emergency powers are limited to a certain number of days a year which decline over a few years to zero, allowing that almost 2Mil illegal aliens can enter and disperse into US annually, legally, oxymoronically.
But Schumer got caught out, as the Brits say, and in a timely fashion that same House said “Nay, Sir Chuckie, you shall not fool us this second time, even though you’ve coopted Knight Lankford to be your beard in this endeavor.” This is sort of like Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion catching the Snake Oil Salesman pretending to be the powerful wizard. Well, this proves Sen. James Paul Lankford is somewhat less astute than Toto, who pulled back the curtain on the charade in the first place (maybe better to call Lankford the ass toot, in this situation).
What would Lankford’s motivation be for doing this? Well, to get into the insiders group with Mitch, who full well knew he was not going to lead the Senate Republicans after his freezing to stone several times like a faun when sunlight hits. This would elevate Lankford into the circle of “Good Ol’ Boys” in the Senate, a group far more powerful than party affiliation. And when Mitch hits the pavement, one of the Three Sir Johns: Thune, Cornyn, and Barrasso in no particular order, Lankford probably wants to polish Mitch’s boots and get the next or relatively soon leadership nod. Maybe not, but otherwise, what’s his motivation? In any case, he failed, and so this quest also failed. Lankford went on to hand Schumer an even greater gift by stating that the border bill failed due to partisan politics in an election year. His intimation, nay, outright assertion is that Trump and others did not want to hand Biden and the Democraps a win with the election coming up. That petulance knocked Lankford’s stature down at least a notch, and justifiably so.
Republicans seem never to learn that you cannot enter the good graces of the Democrap circle unless you were actually to cross over and become a Democrap yourself. Take a look at Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for example. Yet, even after drinking the Kool Aid, these two have tenuous standing with the Dems at best.
James L, who has now made a statement that I will just call “out of place” is saying his colleagues don’t want to solve the problem in order to keep it an election issue. Not only are you protesting too much, Jim, but it’s transparently defensive and transparently offensive at the same time.
These two esteemed gentlemen – Senators Manchen and Lankford, now have been subject to the trickiness of the Leader of the Senate’s Schumer. With (maybe) the best of intentions, they both now endorsed bills that are misleadingly named and contain barely manageable, moreover totally unmanageable mathematics and legalese. One of them a lefty taken for a fool the other a righty, they have had and are making the lamest excuses. They have and will spread the blame as widely and thickly as the butter knife will let them. Manchen got tricked and his folly moved into the system and exploded the torch of inflation Biden had been puffing on for about a year; Lankford was able to get the good ol’ boys in the Senate to sign off, but the bill failed in the House. (Lankford was equally gullible and duped, but you could say he was somewhat saved by the House).
Manchen reassured all of US, and I mean on every side of the fence, that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was sound and it was good. By sound, that it was good legislation, transparent, and effective in achieving its purpose; good, that the impacts would benefit US. Even better, Manchen got some special interests satisfied by voting for it. Unfortunately, his special interests did not in fact get satisfied, and incidentally neither did the people he represents (while that lasts) nor did any of the others of US in the nation get honest representation. In fact, now that something like $400,000,000,000 of that $$ was handed to John Podesta to shower friends and cronies with, the Democraps (read that article please) unabashedly call this the largest climate donation in the world. And they’re proud of that! Unfortunately, those promises were Schumeer Jobs.

. You know, embarrassingly, they were also so very predictable.
Messrs. Biden and Schumer, take a look below. You’ll see numbers that put the math of handicapping horses to shame.
This is way more than caught with your pants down, gentlemen (and ladies too). Your pants are down, your inadequacy embarrassingly exposed, and moreover everyone knows your score is far below the median too.
Some examples are provided below one thing you can be sure of is when there’s a lot of layered math with if this then this if that then that if it’s an emergency then something else for period of time it’s one way and another period of time it’s a different way; well, when you see this sort of wording you’re looking upon a political wish list with compromises, arm wrestling, and capitulation. In something called the law. Understanding these numbers requires a flow chart template and a slide rule, and they don’t make these any longer.
Here Below Are the Border Law Calculations

Geeks and wonks can read the below. I have included it for completeness and one other thing. Just a scan of the below paragraphs should be enough to let you know that legislators including Senator Lankford are BS’ing you mightily…
Oh, that other thing? Look, you don’t actually have to understand this stuff below. I challenge you to understand it and call the prescribed calculations beneficial over the current law, which is that crossing the border illegally is illegal. There are some more comments after the rather long quotation below:

12 ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of
13 subparagraphs (A) and (B), the average
14 for the applicable 7-day period shall be cal
15 culated using—
16 ‘‘(I) the sum of—
17 ‘‘(aa) the number of encoun
18 ters that occur between the
19 southwest land border ports of
20 entry of the United States;
21 ‘‘(bb) the number of encoun
22 ters that occur between the ports
23 of entry along the southern
24 coastal borders; and
February 4, 2024 (6:13 p.m.)
1 ‘‘(cc) the number of inad
2 missible aliens encountered at a
3 southwest land border port of
4 entry as described in subsection
5 (a)(2)(F)(iv); divided by
6 ‘‘(II) 7.
7 ‘‘(ii) LIMITATION.—Aliens described
8 in subsection (a)(2)(C) from noncontiguous [E.A.]
9 countries shall not be included in calcu
10 lating the sum of aliens encountered.

12 ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of para13 graph (3), the Secretary shall not activate the
14 border emergency authority—
15 ‘‘(i) during the first calendar year
16 after the effective date, for more than 270
17 calendar days;
18 ‘‘(ii) during the second calendar year
19 after the effective date, for more than 225
20 days; and
21 ‘‘(iii) during the third calendar year,
22 for more than 180 calendar days.
23 ‘‘(B) IMPLEMENTATION.—When the au
24 thority is activated, the Secretary shall imple
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1 ment the authority within 24 hours of such ac
2 tivation.
4 retary shall suspend activation of the border emer
5 gency authority, and the procedures under sub
6 sections (a), (b), (c), and (d), not later than 14 cal
7 endar days after the date on which the following oc
8 curs, as applicable:
9 ‘‘(A) In the case of an activation under
10 subparagraph (A) of paragraph (3), there is
11 during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days
12 an average of less than 75 percent of the en13 counter level used for activation.
14 ‘‘(B) In the case of an activation under
15 clause (i) or (ii) of paragraph (3)(B), there is
16 during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days
17 an average of less than 75 percent of the en18 counter level described in such clause (i).
22 standing paragraph (3), beginning the first cal
23 endar year after the effective date, the Sec
24 retary shall only have the authority to activate
25 the border emergency authority for 270 cal
February 4, 2024 (6:13 p.m.)

1 endar days during the calendar year, provided
2 that—
3 ‘‘(i) for the first 90 calendar days in
4 which any of the requirements of para
5 graph (3) have been satisfied, the Sec
6 retary shall be required to activate such
7 authority;
8 ‘‘(ii) for the remaining 180 days that
9 the authority is available in the calendar
10 year, the Secretary may, in the sole,
11 unreviewable, and exclusive discretion of
12 the Secretary, determine whether to acti
13 vate the requirements of the border emer
14 gency authority under paragraph (3)(B)
15 until the number of days that the authority
16 has not been activated is equal to the num
17 ber of days left in the calendar year; and
18 ‘‘(iii) when the number of calendar
19 days remaining in the calendar year is
20 equal to the number of days that the au
21 thority has not been activated, the Sec
22 retary shall be required to activate the bor
23 der emergency authority for the remainder
24 of the calendar year on days during which
February 4, 2024 (6:13 p.m.)

1 the requirements of paragraph (3)(B) have
2 been satisfied.
4 standing paragraph (3), beginning the second
5 calendar year after the effective date, the Sec
6 retary shall only have the authority to activate
7 the border emergency authority for 225 cal
8 endar days during the calendar year, provided
9 that—
10 ‘‘(i) during the first 75 calendar days
11 during which any of the requirements of
12 paragraph (3) have been satisfied, the Sec
13 retary shall be required to activate the au
14 thority;
15 ‘‘(ii) for the remaining 150 days that
16 the authority is available in the calendar
17 year, the Secretary may, in the sole,
18 unreviewable, and exclusive discretion of
19 the Secretary, determine whether to acti
20 vate the requirements of the border emer
21 gency authority under paragraph (3)(B)
22 until the number of days that the authority
23 has not been activated is equal to the num
24 ber of days left in the calendar year; and
February 4, 2024 (6:13 p.m.)

1 ‘‘(iii) when the number of calendar
2 days remaining in the calendar year is
3 equal to the number of days that the au
4 thority has not been activated, the Sec
5 retary shall be required to activate the bor
6 der emergency authority for the remainder
7 of the calendar year on days during which
8 the requirements of paragraph (3)(B) have
9 been satisfied.
11 standing paragraph (3), beginning the third cal
12 endar year after the effective date, the Sec
13 retary shall only have the authority to activate
14 the border emergency authority for 180 cal
15 endar days during the calendar year, provided
16 that—
17 ‘‘(i) during the first 60 calendar days
18 during which any of the requirements of
19 paragraph (3) have been satisfied, the Sec
20 retary shall be required to activate the au
21 thority;
22 ‘‘(ii) for the remaining 120 days that
23 the authority is available in each calendar
24 year, the Secretary may, in the sole,
25 unreviewable, and exclusive discretion of
February 4, 2024 (6:13 p.m.)

1 the Secretary, determine whether to acti
2 vate the requirements of the border emer
3 gency authority under paragraph (3)(B)
4 until the number of days that the authority
5 has not been activated is equal to the num
6 ber of days left in the calendar year; and
7 ‘‘(iii) when the number of calendar
8 days remaining in the calendar year is
9 equal to the number of days that the au
10 thority has not been activated, the Sec
11 retary shall be required to activate the bor
12 der emergency authority for the remainder
13 of the calendar year on days during which
14 the requirements of paragraph (3)(B) have
15 been satisfied.
18 ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—If the President finds
19 that it is in the national interest to temporarily
20 suspend the border emergency authority, the
21 President may direct the Secretary to suspend
22 use of the border emergency authority on an
23 emergency basis.
24 ‘‘(B) DURATION.—In the case of a direc25 tion from the President under subparagraph
February 4, 2024 (6:13 p.m.)

1 (A), the Secretary shall suspend the border
2 emergency authority for not more than 45 cal
3 endar days within a calendar year, notwith
4 standing any limitations on the use of the au
5 thority described in this subsection.
8 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—During any activation of
9 the border emergency authority under subsection
10 (b), the Secretary shall maintain the capacity to
11 process, and continue processing, under section 235
12 or 235B a minimum of 1,400 inadmissible aliens
13 each calendar day cumulatively across all southwest
14 land border ports of entry in a safe and orderly
15 process developed by the Secretary.

This bill would encode into law that up to 1,829,634 – you may as well remember 2Mil – illegals could cross annually, without any numerical restrictions. Right now, that number by law is zero. Why should any person be allowed to cross into the country simply because they present themselves anywhere along the border and are part of the unrestricted number? Do you want to support these people for years to come…
The noncontiguous countries are the opposite of the contiguous countries, which are Canada and Mexico. The three countries in North America are lucky to have only one or two border countries, which is unique in the world (Great Britain falls into this category, and a few other countries). And they are al friendly toward each other. As an example, China has about 16 bordering countries, and some of those relationships are a mess. Anyhow, any other countries fall into noncontiguous. Nobody claiming to be from that group is counted into the limitation totals in the bill! That’s millions of people per year.
After three years the limitations available to the President and Secretary are removed, saddling any successive President and that cabinet with no escape valve to meet unforeseen circumstances, not that a liberal President would use it in any case.

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