"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Category: Politics

Move Over, Manchen; Sen. Lankford Will Share That Dunce Seat

Key: A new Border Bill came and went. Schumer and his good bud Minority Leader Mitchell McConnell were unable to sneak a second misnamed bill past Congress this time… proving Buddy is thicker than Honor. (Mitch’s full name is a wieldy Addison Mitchell McConnell III.) Charles Ellis Schumer is one of the ruling class; he… Continue reading Move Over, Manchen; Sen. Lankford Will Share That Dunce Seat

Categorized as Politics

Dear Pete

Key Point. A man who asks little of himself, gives little of himself, gets little done, but surely is eloquent. Dear Pete, I would call you Secretary Pete, but I am thinking you’re already working your way to eliminate that obviously very sexist and unwoke word. I would call you Mayor Pete, but a mayor… Continue reading Dear Pete

Categorized as Politics

This Minute’s Political Truths

The more time that Republican candidates and the news media spend talking about Joe Biden issues the more the Democrat candidates like it.  Most especially, Democrat leadership wants us to be talking about Biden’s age. First, when you’re doing that you are not talking about his performance, and not talking about the performance of Democrat… Continue reading This Minute’s Political Truths

Categorized as Politics

Flights of Fancy

In the make-believe world of Psaki Reality seems somewhat wacky. Rules made up by a clown What’s gone up’s really down? But fear not, she will still circle backy

Categorized as Politics