"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Sunday 23rd February 2025

A Leader! A Leader! My Kingdom for a Leader!

Mitch McCommell – spending  all his energy surviving.

Little is left over for leadership.


I was musing about the difference between a human who sleeps all the time and a human who is dead. Well, I didn’t find anything worth writing on that topic so I will leave it to you to mull over the differences. In the meantime, we can say that when an individual has a massive organization built up, which we can certainly say even the minority party of the Senate qualifies here, it may seem he still is generating both light and heat, and helping make a direction. Mitch, really it seems he’s just making monotonous stateMENts in order to sound like a statesMAN in the twilight of his career, but those who manage to stay awak through them have the consensus that he’s proving the opposite. In the early days of software the programmer said “there must be a user out there somewhere, but I really don’t care.” Substitute citizen or constituent for that, and you’ll get Mitch’s ethic on the point of public government. It’s also his consideration of both the public’s need to know and the public’s need to be represented 9in so far as representation is actually doing something on it’s behalf).

Can someone name public-benefitting legislation he has initiated or furthered? A cause he has championed? A worthy endeavor? In my book, just getting a sluice of judges installed is not nearly enough. That seems like a go-through-the-motions and moreover cookie-cutter exercise. Maybe he’ll get his name on more courthouses by doing that. I don’t think he’s helped defense, infrastructure, business, individuals, or the constitution really by doing that. So look at his tenure as a visible void, with perhaps a moderating influence on the progressiveness of the nation. But consider this, all those judges are now in place, and does the government seem more stable to you? more predictable?, more responsive to family values?, what about more lawful?  No? the what the F difference did it make, Mitch? Give us a sign? OK… Somebody check his pulse.


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