"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Category: Fiscal Corner

Transactional Politicians

BUZZ: Interesting Transactions That Have Been Recently Reported in the Press The following unverified transactions have been mentioned in various press reports lately. Nancy Pelosi makes $3,000,000 sale transaction of Google/Alphabet equities only a few weeks before a 20-state monopoly lawsuit against Google is filed. Google stock dropped about 5% when the lawsuit was filed… Continue reading Transactional Politicians

Is the Unemployment Rate Low or Is the Employment Rate Low?

Surprise and No Surprise. A lot of people were employed at the end of 2019. When the pandemic hit US and we shut down the economy, around 20 million people became unemployed almost immediately and stayed that way for a couple months, and slowly crept back up. This included non-essential workers like middle managers and… Continue reading Is the Unemployment Rate Low or Is the Employment Rate Low?

Making Money. Up.

The more time that Republican candidates and the news media spend talking about Joe Biden issues the more the Democrat candidates like it.