"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Sunday 23rd February 2025

It Does Not Matter How You Identify

You may say you are this, or you are that. Know what? No matter what you say; in fact. No matter what you think… You still are who you are. If you don’t exactly know who that is I suggest you not embark on a series of experiments to find out. I suggest if you have someone who loves you you talk with them. Tell them you need some help and go from there. It may not be an easy fix that’s already laid out there for you on your phone. I also suggest you don’t try to get activist; itn’t this about you getting what you need, not trying to justify it? Also try to talk to a psychologist. And I do not mean a psychologist who specializes in something like gender transitions. As the old saw goes, and for the sake of a pun, take a problem to a guy with a hammer and he’ll see your problem as a nail. Psychologists will tend to operate within their specialiites so see a general psychologist first. Like, if you had a ache in your arm, don’t go to a serve specialist because nerves carry pain. See a general practitioner first and get a diagnosis. It will probably take a handful of visits to a general practitioner type of psychologist to help define where your problem(s) lie. If you’ve already seen stuff on the internet, tell the psych about it so they can get some visibility into your mindset. You know you may have miscategorized your problems. I know I did and a psychologist helped straighten those out, and when I got married my wife surfaced all the really true prolmebs and told me how to solve them so it can be a journey. Don’t get in the mindset because omeone on social media got some drugs or operations and it worked for them so it’ll work for you. Slow down and talk to someone who can help you clearly define your issues, and go from there. Good luck.

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