"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Sunday 23rd February 2025

Getting IT DONE

Key. When you’ve been a US Senator since Nixon was around through the Great Recession ((2008) that is until we know enough to number them),
Joe thinks running the government is about spending people’s tax money
and money made from thin air.

Moreover, being vice President for eight years, doing nothing except for giving bad and thankfully unheeded advice, that being right in character with your personality and (in)capabilities, well, spending becomes the focus. You stop looking at plans and keep looking at price lists. But when you’re President, you gotta realize there’s a reason they call you Chief Executive: Exequor: to accomplish.
Summary. When my wife got home for work on my day off, I proudly announced, “I got SO MUCH ACCOMPLISHED!” Excitedly she asked me to elucidate.
How I got started. The first thing you need for a busy, busy day is the back of your credit card. This is to check your limit and the balance for available credit. In actuality, one can skip this step because no matter what the available is, you can charge as much as the store will let you get out the door with; salespersons are very willing to help you boost your spending due to the benefit they get from what we are not allowed to call the vigorish (more about free speech in other discussions).
Getting going. Going out to the car I needed to double check that I had remembered to plug it in. You see, we had Newsome strongly recommended that I not charge my car so the electrical grid would not go down. Having the grid go down is really bad for some businesses like hospitals and for anyone in elevators, and small businesses who will not make any money that day. But mainly having the electric out is really bad for votes. The voting can still take place since it’s all on pieces of paper in mailboxes; however all the wrong boxes will be checked if people are doing it by candlelight. Fortunately, the car did have its second charge, so I had something more than a $73,000, one week old, paper weight in my garage. Also fortunately, my wife likes the car; I bought it on what we call “executive order,” something done without the full agreement of the HouseHold.
Now down to business. Arriving at the mall, the first place I went was to get a haircut and manicure and a massage. Life is short! First things first! Gotta make my face fresh and later in life this will take the first two hours after getting up. Sort of like riding a bike on the strand at Rehoboth Beach, one has to do the priority activities first! Nothing must interfere with achieving the peace of mind required for “Getting IT DONE.” Only $240 for all three plus tip. (Not counting the tips since they are earmarked for spending anyway and at “noise level.”)
On to the stores that, well, don’t cater to non-birthing-at-birth people like me, but they have small sections that do cater to (I’ll call US “men” for purposes of expediency). These are great because they have the attributes men like, round dollar prices and not much selection. I was able to purchase a $225 hoodie with cool muted variegated stripes, some $187 workout pants with a little logo on them that looks like and is positioned like a random stain on the shin, and some tinted glasses that look like they say “Halo” on them with a missing “H”… $168. Conveniently, all Made In China, so I am helping the world economy and cutting climate change at the same time; they are all probably transported on the same ship,
Now down to Home Despot for some real work. First, the appliance section where I was able to find a cool new gourmet stove top for $2,219. Now, the cabinets won’t fit this, and three will have to be demolished and rebuilt to fit it but I’m sure down the road it will be paid for by the resale value – this could be a decade or two but you can see it’s basically free then. I recently found out this approach is Bidenomics, which is an upside down, middle-out choc chip ice cream cone. You eat it from the bottom up, somehow.
Then the new tile we agreed on for the kitchen floor. It has to be imported special order but we’re getting it from Iran, so it’s understandable the pricing is $350 a square plus $100 each trucking to get it from the warehouse to the dock. I hope to find out soon what it will take to get it shipped. There are regs that prohibit the oil based sealant from being manufactured in the US so at that price it’s a bargain. I do want to support the workers over there since it’s hard for them with a few disappearing every month.
Then we desperately need a patio awning so the motorized expanding one with installation is now in the works for $5,300 including installation as soon as the new workers are trained – made in China, installed by illegal aliens. Of course, we need landscape work so the guy is coming out at 2 pm on Tuesday to measure and make a rough sketch; that’s $450, and we get to keep a copy of the sketch.
Moving on, I mentioned the EV, and with that we do have to add a small car too, and I put the deposit on the ID.4. We will pay for the rest on time as our additional income comes in, and a good thing too because every dollar we take in loses approximately .35% each month. And passing by the Green New Deal Store I picked up some solar panels (made in China – not by former oil pipeline workers) – and squeezed them into the trunk by folding down the back of the rear seat. Lots of silicone content in the car, plus manganese, nickel, copper, hydrides, lithium, cobalt, gold, silver, plus others. Several hundred lbs of metal representing several hundred tons of mined earth and lots and lots of acid. In fact, it’s estimated the amount of energy used by an EV during its life is exceeded by the amount of energy needed to mine, process, and manufacture its components 10x. Anyhow, that’s another $40k right there! And of course the electric energy used is not a savings since the energy had to get generated somehow!
Last stop was the grocery. We all know what to expect there, for example flour prices have doubled in the last 21 months, eggs up 63%, bananas up 40%, and baby formula up 250%, but we buy it on the baby formula black market anyhow and pay express delivery. Gotta do that because the supply chain leaves it in a container on a Chinese freighter for half a year.
All told I accomplished over $132,750 today!
Wifey comes home and looks down at me reclined in our new $2,200 massage chair. “Did you accomplish anything today?” “Yes! I have provided transportation infrastructure, green energy, outdoor environmental improvements, solar upgrades, food and clothing, culinary processing improvements, and much more! And to prove it here are the receipts and you can check with the credit card company our balance is overextended and the new HELOC is in process so it is all paid for! And since the dollars we will spend far into the future are worth less and less as time goes by my view is we have accomplished inflation reduction!” To underline my point I proffer a handful of receipts, loan docs, and down payment statements.
“No Household President has ever accomplished so much! I am getting IT DONE!”

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