Why Are They Democraps & Who Are They?
Key Point. Let’s start with this. You, almost whoever you are, are not a Democrap. Many of you are Democrats and many of you are. Few Democraps care about the analysis on this website and will likely refute it. Believe me, there are Republicans that foment divisiveness and lie too; they do not have as catchy a name.
Key Point 2. There probably are several thousand Democraps in US. Likely 10,000 tops.
So what do we mean when we use this obviously and admittedly opinion-prejudiced name? …Leaders who do not have the country’s interest first, plain and simple.
Their agenda is some of the following:
They are more interested in the Democrat Party than the good of the country – US
They are more interested in refuting the Republican Party than the good of US
They are opinion leaders – have the ability to reach out to sway public opinion (yours)
When it comes to informing you, they feel their ends justify the means
In the furtherance of the ends, they are willing to sugarcoat, lie, and avoid the truth
Both political and media Democraps collaborate closely to make lies broadly accessible
They do not consider issues with an open mind; as a result…
Much of what requires decisions is couched in “black or white” references
It’s often “all or nothing” “good or bad” and/or “blame _____ (not me)”
Obvious truths become lies, e.g., “walls don’t work” “the border is closed” “economy is great”
They have labels and for everything “January 6th”, “undocumented” that shape thought
Democraps are either in a position to create legislation, govern, judge, or inform/influence
Most easily, you can witness them having unequivocal positions, unilateral positions, dogmatic positions, and “right and wrong” positions on virtually all topics. When you hear things like “this ‘so-and-so’ wants to kill opponents, eliminate elections, and suspend the constitution – this sort of obviously false hyperbole is a strong indicator of a Democrap.