"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Sunday 23rd February 2025


Summary. To preannounce, this is an essay with two bottom lines.
What should one expect when dealing with electing governance, one cannot focus on a single cause.
Beyond that, anchor to your core values. That’s more difficult than finding a cause that excites you because it’s work trying to understand what you’re really like inside.

The main reason for the separations in the country is leadership are not anchoring to the same core values at this time. Take the core value “America first.” This has become a political statement rather than a principle all of US share and USe to guide our actions and decisions. Like the foundation of a structure, not sharing these core values makes everything in the structure uneven and unstable.
You Have Value. You Have Values. Everything should start with our values – your values. These are not externalities like I’m a proud black woman or I don’t like transexuals. There are things like I want all people to have freedom, including me. Everyone should contribute to society. Things are better when we work together for accomplishment and progress and when we work against each other, eventually society and all our lives is less than it could be. These are things that are inside of US.
Are our values American values, and if so, what are the American values we should be USing as the basis for our election and to guide US over the years?
Well, we USed to value inalienable rights, among them being life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All men and women are created equal, unless they are husbands. Also among them are safety, security, happiness (again), no taxation without representation, equal standing under the laws, inclusiveness, fair play, collaboration, hard work, capitalism, Ameritocracy ®.
Hard work. Hard work gets you ahead. Hard work is also good for a person’s psyche.
The Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You just do it; it’s not conditional. It’s especially not conditional on how they themselves act. If you disagree (1) do it within the laws & (2) be productive without labels or rancor.
Honor your father and mother; treat all women always with courtesy (legitimate women, be generous).
Love your neighbor; if you can’t love him, respect her; if you cannot respect her, then tolerate them; if you can’t do that, at least leave him the hell alone.
No representation without taxation, but mostly vice versa.
We have a number of freedoms as expressed in the Bill of Rights, the first ten Amendments to the Constitution. I will refer you to those. There are also numerous others added over the next almost 250 years. Painstakingly, I might add. Equal protection under the law is a key one.
Lastly, I will bring in the duties of elected representatives and sworn law enforcement officers to be responsible for providing you, the US resident, and US citizens, the assurance that all these granted rights and values will not be taken from you or compromised.
Now, there are also some values, call them principles, that are less personal, but still affect each of US:
Peace through strength.
Federalism (explanation: the Federal Government can do certain things called out in the Constitution, but all other governance is taken by the states or by voting of the electorate [US])
Free market economy – there should be no ceiling quotas on production.
The value of hard work to your employer, society, the economy, and mostly to your own soul.
Private ownership of proceeds and capital.
Personal liberty.
Separation of church and state (explanation: there should be no laws respecting religious beliefs or practices, and there should be no influence of religion on the laws enacted with US). (That does not mean we cannot say “God” in legal or legislative venues, or that we cannot discuss laws and cross impacts on religious beliefs, or that religious groups may not USe public areas for communication, or that we can’t have religious symbols on park statues.)
The Monroe Doctrine. Do not forget this one. If you view a globe or pictures of the earth from pretty far away like 25,000 miles you see that US is protected by buffer zones. This has been known now for around 500 years.
US the Country. Ok, and this should be obvious, all US borders need to be respected by all external persons and agencies, including all world governments, and by all citizens and legal residents returning to US from abroad. This includes establishing security mechanisms for all land and ocean boundaries of US, all its islands, its protectorates and territories. This includes passage by any individuals, groups, and all armed forces of any other agency.
Our military needs to be bolstered to protect US at home and US interests abroad. This also includes providing military equipment to our allies around the world (which they mostly pay US for). There are a few technological improvements and advances that need to be focused on, which will be the subject of another article soon.
American capital interests and intellectual properties need to be safeguarded from novel threats. These include the buying up of land, equipment (such as cell towers and buildings), and businesses, that provide an advantage to US. An example would be the about 1,300 food chain businesses that have become owned by Chinese nationals over the last couple decades and the over 200,000 acres of farmland owned by Chinese interests (basically the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP).

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