"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Sunday 23rd February 2025

Author: admin

The Way to Assure Fair Representation for Your Vote

Key Point. Having a reasonable voting period such as one week or two weeks maximum, subsequent to all applicable debates, plus a handful of direct voting procedures plus a handful of voter role procedures will assure the best voting representation for US. Declare the four-year Presidential voting day a national holiday. This will ensure the… Continue reading The Way to Assure Fair Representation for Your Vote

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So we asked Bing/ChatGPT to provide two limericks. Does this seem like AI is being unbiased to you  

Shooting Rats

Key Idea. There’s an easy and straightforward way to implement a good idea. One can always muck it up by adding more hairbrained and convoluted options, and when that’s not effective, the whole idea is tossed out. Witness our Southern Border, curated by Biden and MyYuckAss. So, you got your idea or core concept, and… Continue reading Shooting Rats

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KJP Jean-Karine Platitudes from White House Communications Department

“We’re taking the matter seriously.” “We’re monitoring the situation closely.” “We’re watching the events closely.” “After serious, close monitoring and watching, we would do nothing about it, nor report anything to you anyhow.” “We do not have any information to report from This Podium (holy as it is) at this time.” “If we did, we… Continue reading KJP Jean-Karine Platitudes from White House Communications Department

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“The Minutes Seem Like Hours and the Hours Seem Like Days”

Key Point. Thie above is “an old love lament.” So with this article’s time references are we dealing with efficiency or insufficiency? Joe leaves for Rehoboth on Friday and comes back to the House US pay for him to occupy on Saturday in order to appear at an Iran attack review that apparently determined nothing.… Continue reading “The Minutes Seem Like Hours and the Hours Seem Like Days”

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Don’t Means Do

Key Point. Down with America = Death to America. They both mean an end to your life as you know it; they both mean the end of US; they both target you and your children. So here we are. In case you are unaware, there is war in Ukraine and in the Middle East.US are… Continue reading Don’t Means Do

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