"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Wednesday 16th October 2024

Biden Will Leave the Race Not for Health but Family

The Point. Joe is horrible and worse and in pretty much all ways: most of all not productive. The fact is, Reps, that does not matter unless you come up with something that makes people vote for you.

I got my list. You got your list. They got their lists.

So what?

If a person is habituated in a way that will make them vote for Joe, your list of his failures is not going to matter to them. You have to come up with something that will make them For You Instead.

Or worse.

You could have to fend off the veneer charisma of Newsome, the incumbent Kalmalaty, the hopped-up Hillary, the chastened and sedated Manchin, or even the immortal Michelle (who could be a placeholder for one of the others until after the election).

Did you see the little old man who wasn’t there? Well Joe may be that guy come the Democrap Convention. Really, all he needs to do is take the plane to Delaware and not come back.

This is easier than you may think. It’s widely suspected that someone else(es) running the show back there at the other end of the implant behind Joe’s ear. It might even be Barack himself inside there for an hour or two each day between the time Joe finishes his porridge and the time he gets his ice cream cone. Or a surrogate like Donna Rice, or even a team. Podesta could take his turn, too, as could Nance Pelosi.

It is quite likely that sometime before or during 2024, Joe will withdraw from the 2024 Presidential race. He will not be able to be reinforced substantially – that is, enough to make him generally functional in his façade position. His rationale will likely be that he’s accomplished all he set out to do to put the country on the correct course. “Once I’m the greatest why try anymore? In any case my achievements are the most dramatic and impactful of any President in the last 75 years (which may be true but not in the way that he intends to convey), and it’s time to turn to the Next Person to win Democratic nomination.” Who should obviously pick his/her own running mate.


(a) do not run against the “Biden” policies; he may just do that disappearing act – either of his own self or by decisions made for him. Run against Democrap policies.

(2) Create a positive platform that people want to reach out and grab. For example “How would you like to have an additional $350 a month to spend for your family?” “How about an actual solution to crime and homelessness?” “No Joke. We really mean it.”

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